All returned products must include their original packaging. You may return the order if the products are unopened and in their original packaging.

The return costs will be borne by the seller in all cases where the product is defective, damaged or incorrect.

In other cases (change of mind), you will be responsible for the return costs.

Delivery charges when purchasing equipment are not refundable.

To make a return request

  1. Download the Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) form in PDF version here.

  2. Send us the completed RMA form by fax or email.

  3. Once your return has been validated, we will email you an RMA number.

  4. Put this RMA number on the box before sending us the merchandise "prepay". No returns will be accepted without a RMA number provided by PG TECH.

Only returns authorized by PG TECH with a valid RMA number will be credited.

All return requests must be made within 7 days of receipt of the product.

We will return refused or non-defective items shipped to us freight collect.

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